Build repair shops in the virtual world with Fix It Up 2

Fix It Up 2 is the second installment or edition from the game series with the same title minus the number 2 in it. This is a game about car repairs or fixing car parts. If you are a car enthusiast, then you will surely get hooked with it since it involves worthy action and adventure related to cars around the world.

There are two things that you should look forward into playing this particular game. First is the features related to cars which will excite you and thrill you at the same time. Second is the creative main character that you will surely like. The name of the mentioned character is Kate. She is a car repair shop owner who has been on the business for quite some time. Since this is already the second installment, she is now aiming to globally expand her business and it will only become successful if you help her as the player in this game. Your mission is to build repair shops one by one while helping customers to fix their car problems. From snowy Canada to steamy Africa, you should be able to win the game with flying colors.

Fix It Up 2 (2)

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