Monthly Archives: March 2013

Enjoy the Excitement of Fighting game-Electric Man 2 HS

Electric Man 2 HS, the name of an excellent game. There are lots of games that you will find on the internet but most of them are very boring. But this game is totally different from them. The game is much thrilling which impresses the players. Learn more about it.
Electric Man 2 is not an ordinary game, it’s an extra-ordinary game. The puzzle and defense games are very boring but this is a fighting game so there is no single boring moment. The game also has a tutorial at the beginning that will help you to get an idea about the entire game. You must play the first level of the game to gain knowledge about the controls and other features of the game. There is interesting background music too in the game. Your character has very limited life in the game so you must protect him from the attacks of the enemies and you have to attack the enemies.

Know the Game of Life Rules

Do know how the Game of Life is? It is an interested real life game. When you play the game with great concentration the game will become a part of your life. While playing the game you have to follow some rules otherwise you will lose the game. Click here to know the rules of the game.
The Game of Life Rules is very important. While playing the game you have to earn money. Using the money you can buy houses and shops. You can also develop your city. The game gives you the experience of crisis. What you will do in real life if you lose your shops or houses? By playing the game you can have the experience. You can share the game with your internet friends. If you have internet connection problem; don’t worry because the game is downloadable too. If you don’t have your own computer you can play the game on the browser.

Enjoy the Powerful Features in Effing Worm

Have you ever wished to experience the life of a worm? If that is a human flesh eating worm, what would be your feeling? Some of you may be feeling weird but again this is sounding exciting for some of you. This is the writing for those who are feeling excited to play the game. Actually this is a violent game and some people may not like the concept at all. This is only a fun game and for the players who always wants to try something new. Don’t let your kid to play the game as it may keep a negative impact on them. You can visit this site for details.
In the game a hungry worm is roaming around the city for human. There will be a hunger meter and you have to keep the meter always high. You will be able to enjoy many powerful features in the game.

Play Sonic Free Riders

Do you like motion games using the Microsoft Kinect? You this is a great motion sensor device used to play games. Sonic Free Riders is a game that uses the full benefits of Kinect. It is a racing game which follows the motions of your body. Click here if you like to play the game.
Sonic Free Riders is a game where you can join a team to play. There are four teams and they are Team Heroes (Sonic, Tails & Knuckles), Team Babylon (Jet, Wave & Storm), Team Dark (Rouge, Shadow & E10000B) and Team Rose (Cream, Amy & Vector). You can race with any team you like. You have to move your body properly to play the game. But a bad thing about the game is you have to stand while you are not racing. The game is more suitable for children than the adults because children can move their body more frequently than adults.